
WebDesignDevil Participated in Event At Paris

WebDesignDevil is pleased to announce that we have tied up with “Expats Paris – An Online Expats Community of Paris, France” and with Paris Talks is an Expats Paris project devoted to ideas about the Future of Humanity.


Paris Talks took a very different approach, bringing innovators together from many different disciplines—Business, science, technology, art & design, environment, education, economy, among others—in a network that promotes the sharing of ideas.

Since September 2016, we have been maintaining the portal of “Paris Talks” for the event “A Conference on the Future of Humanity” which was successfully organized on March 26th, 2018 at “Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin, 18, Boulevard Saint-Martin, 75010 Paris”, where more than 15 influential speakers from Paris and all around the world have given their speech, more than 400 attendees and a team of volunteers from diverse backgrounds.




The website of Paris Talks’s was developed by us on 2016, our responsibility was to manage, maintain, monitor, and update the website whenever needed like “maintaining the design with good & attractive structure, content (text / images / videos / widgets etc.) changing or updating time-to-time, adding or updating the speakers’ bio, adding or updating the sponsors & partners, adding & updating the event’s schedule, adding the blog’s articles, engine updating, monitoring & managing the web’s admin, maintaining the web server, taking backup, malware & spam protection etc.


We would like to thank to the Paris Talks Team for this incredible thought & idea, for their endeavour, and given us an opportunity to be a “Sponsor” of this event’s and would like to thank to Mr.Somnath Hazari (CEO of Adhikary Group) & the whole team took an important place to successfully manage and execute this project.


A review have been given about this event who was involved with this project:

Mr.Soham Adhikary (MD of Adhikary Group): “I want to thank to Mr.Michael Bahati and his team, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, attendees and to Mr.Somnath Hazari  who have assisted to make this event successful”. From this wonderful event “Paris Talks – A Conference on the Future of Humanity”, I’ve personally learned very well and realized being a web-techie person that an enormous improvement of the science & technology we shall be able to see in our life, because now-a-days in 2018 if our concern “WebDesignDevil” can maintain the whole web things of this event’s from India whereas it has been held in Paris, France, that means in the near future days the technology is going to boom. The very good thing is that France & India together made an event by using the technology. Expecting to see a new event where we can participate and make the future events successful.




More events are coming soon….